Friday, April 26, 2013

Thursday, Can we not ...........

So yesterday day was a pretty nice day I don’t really know what much to say about it because it’s to much to explain the whole day ….. I’m pretty sure ill annoy you. Same projects same work new teachings blah blah blah . Any who I went to college possible this thing that I go to after school and made some May Day baskets.  I also got to finish my resume and I started to work on my personal statement which is going pretty great. Another thing I got to do was go eat Panda Express with Hannah after School and I played Zelda Ocarina of time with here. It bro8ughyt me so many childhood memories I almost cried. I then went to senior choir night and listened to all my good friends sing in the choir including Regina. She the best and she’s definitely a favorite but that’s okay because everyone knows what she is. They also showed a senior video and I tried to not cry and it worked but … I was way too sick to tears came out. I couldn’t. I would get even more congested.  Everyone was crying and it all ended …… I came to some realizations ……………………. I’m really going to miss my senior friends. I’m going be alone, it’s what Regina told me and she also told me nobody likes me. Its true ….. Nobody likes me so I can’t even fight her on that one ….. Ugh. Next year is going to be harsh. Besides what I was doing that day my little brother had OFC soccer tryouts for this summer to go play in Texas so that’s very exciting.  I got home later from the concert and fell asleep ……. It was a nice day .

Thursday, April 25, 2013

wendsday.... are ok idk

SO yesterday was Wednesday and I don’t know what all happened to be completely honest I went through the day feeling like complete shit because I have a throat infection. I refuse to go to the hospital more than half the time because I hate everything about it . It scares me ANDDDD it’s tacky. Don’t ask, it’s just a thing. Not to much goes on at school, we got handed this research project by ms Apper ad it looks like a hassle but its okay she will work us through it and in my math class we are learning about this histographs that aren’t that hard but math is math and im not good at it. Also, I’m still in pottery working on Hannahs cup and its in the kiln now so hopefully it gets fired so I can clear glaze it ! so it can have a smooth surface and she can drink out of it ! I also right after school went to melissas house one of my good school friends ad we made some pretty sick gifs and took some nice photographs she did my makeup which was very interesting I enjoyed it allot . There o tumblr then me and nmy mom got into a dumb heated argument about me not answearing my phone then I went home ………. I slept right away when I got home.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tuesday ...... uggggg

Boring , I want to say that i did allot today but I really just didnt, on tuesday nothing happened i moped around and i have been very sick so i have not really been trying to do anything. I dont like this my throat hurts and flem is taking over my body . I cant stand it i just cant, Oh My God ....... . I literally got home after school then fell asleep after a small tumblr blogging session idk . I havnt been functioing well ...... fuck ... idk .. i dont know what to do .

tumblr :

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A case of the mondays ......

So Yesterday was a pretty average Monday to say nun the less. I came to school grumpy as hell and ended the day grumpy as hell . Classes went about and I looked a drag but I’m still working on that  Zelda cup that I’m making for Hannah . I made a Navi for the inside of it so I’m waiting for it to dry ….. I don’t know. I went to college possible and finished my resume and worked on a poster that we are presenting to people who donate money for the organization. Then I went home and ate dinner ….. as soon as we finished we went to go do laundry at the laundry matt and I got home and fell , right , asleep

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday Bum Day

So I was asleep almost all day and i really didnt do anything at All . SO i dont know really what to tell you guys cause ...... my llife isnt even interesting sometimes . I literally woke up when my mom got home around 12:00 and had lunch . Then my mother and my brother went to my brothers soccer game around 1 something ad i just stayed around and was on tumblr and instagram for the longest time . I toyed around with my jewelry stuff but i didt get into it . I wanted to get tea around 4:10 so i decided to go to the gas station . Funny story, I dont know anyway to say this but....... I got mugged . I got punched in the face twice and someone tried to take my money but luckily i didnt have my wallet on me but he did take my cigerettes . Which i didnt mind ..... I would rather it be  that than my wallet ....... He hit , dug in my pocket and just ran . It was just the most uncombfertable thing in the world . I deffinatly consider my self a pasafist and i dont believe in voilence to settle any kind of dispute. So i kind of just let it happen but not cause i did squirm at one point. I at that point decided i didnt want tea anymore cause like, OW , my face hurts. I just retreated back home ad noticed that my moms car was parked but no one was home .... I was gone for nmore than 20 mins and she was gone. Just outtie , she left .... I called her. I called her 12 times and left 2 voicemails and she did not respond or call me . I was very upset i then sent her very angry text messages and we got into a fight . I could care less though like i have a really bad habit of thinking that everything i say is right so you couldnt even fight with me. Im to difficult sometimes , then i couldnt sleep ..... and i stayed up than crashed at 2:00 ......... what am i .

Saturday, April 20, 2013

End Day ....

I guess my day has come to an end I'm not sure, I really want to do something else. I went to go visit my friend Sydney at work it was very fun Some really weird people come through her work. She works at a thrift store called goodwill . In the heart of Omaha called the Old market . I helped her straighten some clothes and tried on some things for an Instagram competition. Then I just kind of danced around the store like a true thug . I got Syd some coffee, and me a green tea blender, peach flavored. I saw no surprise from Sydney she said it looked good (ha-ha) . Its a green concoction so everyone kind of looks at it funny. I was there for about 5 hours which sounds like a long time but it flew by quick. we dressed some manikins and swagged them out if I can say so myself. Then came closing time and my mother came to get me ......... I was very sad to leave I was having so much fun but it was close time. Plus she had to go to her friends birthday party and so did some other friends so it looks like another slow music listening night for this fellow.

Currently listening to : The XX
My Instagram: Juaneatsclouds

Funny Story .....

So I have been waking up and going back to sleep while listening to music on my spotify . Its like I want to do something but then again I don't . Maybe I'm just lazy ? yeah ..... I'm lazy . I'm so done , holly cow. My brother woke me up a couple of times because he was in the kitchen which is fine I don't really care, its not that hard to fall back to sleep. My mom called a couple of times and by the time I knew it ................... it was 12:00 and my mom had gotten home from work . Awkward cause I'm just sitting here being lazy. We are both sick so we sat here and talked about some family issues that we have been having and then she made some lunch . We had quesadillas and frijoles, I'm so Mexican I know guys (jokes on me) . Funny thing is though I sent my mom a picture of these beautiful leggings that are high waisted and I'm like mom these are beautiful and she usually never takes my opinion on a piece. She usually is like "yeah" and ignores me most of the time. But today she's like those are mine and we deffo' proceeded on ordering them for her and it made me really happy . My mom usually never makes online purchases so God Bless. Then My mom went to go take a nap . As soon as my mom got home my brother left by the way, he went to a kids day celebration on 24th street, They were having this shin dig..... I'm sure he's having fun. Then my friend Sydney called me up because she's at work all day and she wants me to visit her, I'm still contemplating cause I don't know what I'm going to do after ....... so I started blogging . I'm still blogging .....awk . Actually ..... I think im gunna go visit her, I don't have anything better to do and I need to get out. I have been very lazy recently .

My mom got here cute leggings here :

MY tumblr blogs :

p.s. they are very different . one is just alternative fashion *bottom and the other is more of what I like and catches my eye *toplink

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day of silence .

So today was a pretty successful day I mean I went to school and nothing went wrong . We did the day of silence and it went pretty well and no one really harassed anyone and everyone pretty much kept silent so I really appreciate all of those people who supported . I started off with my math class live every morning . We have an eight class schedule at my school which I am really happy with, I cant complain .....because I hate block scheduling . Any who ..... I was never good at math so I just tried my best to pay attention . Then I went to my applied design class, I'm in love with it we get to do so many incredible things ! I've made a copper bracelet and a silver ring which both won awards in a regional art competition . we are working on this for of art called batik which is a process so we have to layer allot, and with that layering there is allot of waiting so I also worked on this Zelda themed cup that I am making for one of my good friends Hannah. She's obsessed she knows what she is, which is good. But I always tend to remind her she's Looney and its fine because she always reminds me that I'm a character as well and it all works out . She wasn't there so my talking didn't slip. She had a choir thing that she went to so I was pretty much alone in the pottery room which was very relaxing. Next was art , We have been working on these plaster sculptures which actually look very nice but, its defiantly.... not my favorite media so I didn't enjoy it to much. But the final product is so nice. We stained a small block wood and drilled a hole in our piece then had it epoxied to a metal pole which stuck through out piece. It displayed beautifully in the glass cases we have in out art rooms. After that I..... dreading ,walked to my next class of the day, physical science . We have been watching these pretty interesting videos about how the world was created and volcanos which is nice ..... but I keep sleeping cause its so quite and I don't hear any background noise. which is odd cause there is so many freshman in that class and it tends to be so loud in there but our teacher is pregnant and has been on her mean streak recently so no one wants to test her patience . Other than that we just watched the videos and I went to lunch . Lunch was pretty boring because half of the table was participating in Day of Silence , my friend nick though .....he's a prince. He kept on trying to make conversation and lunch wasn't to bad that day. It was also my nice friend Regina's birthday (Nicks girlfriend) , and she decided to go home . She's also involved with choir duties so she was probably with Hannah most of the morning. Later after lunch I proceeded to my Creative writing class which I mean was pretty nice its a really chill environment more than half of the time in there. and all the writing work ....... will blow , your mind. They are all so unique and individual works. I wrote a very long journal entry today for that class, mainly about heteronormitivity, The Day of Silence and how I think that "gay" in society has become a target word for expressing stupid . How its a form of an acceptable derogatory term. How it doesn't really phase anyone . I mean it does to people like me and a few others .... but when we crack down the codes ...... it seems people don't care. Besides that .... I wrote allot that's all I can say (ha-ha) , Next was history, Or Modern world history, same difference. (you feel me?) We talked about some world war one facts and just finished a worksheet ... it didn't take to long . Then by the time I knew it, it was already time for English. English is one of my favorite classes of the day actually I cant even lie I love all my classes but my English teacher is swaggie. (I was never funny) We are reading the great Gatsby out loud with the whole class and that basically tells you everything I don't know what to tell you. We talked about how nick and Gatsby are these new money foe bros and how there trying to climb up the social ladder as well . It was very good discussion time, then came pottery ...... Hannah is in there so I ... I broke the silence. I had to talk to Hannah (HAHAHA) I was finishing touches on the cup I was making for her and I just enjoy her company to much. That was pretty much it for the school day . I rode the bus home and came to my house with no one here. My mom was out with her boyfriend and they all went to my little brothers soccer game later (My brothers name is Brandon, he's a champ). I didn't care to go cause I was tired so I did have a great nap but Its Friday .... and I wanted to do something and no one wanted to do anything so I kept to my self. until I saw a friend tweet about being downtown so I told him I would meet up with him for coffee . I make it down there at around 11:00 p.m.  and leave around 12:00 a.m. . It was a good hour though, I was with a friend of mine named Dylan, Dylan is a very attractive man I'm not going lie and his company is just the best. He has such great opinions and thoughts . I love that kid, what a royal . It was a 30 min walk down there and back so I made it home around 12:45 p.m. and now I'm here . Sharing my day, to all of you Listening to some good tunes (STRFKR, FIDLAR, Devendra Banhart, WILD FLAG)and enjoying the April wind background noise.

        Want to learn more about The Day of Silence? :

The Day of Silence is the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network's (GLSEN) annual day of action to protest the bullying and harassment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students and their supporters. Students take a day-long vow of silence to symbolically represent the silencing of LGBT students and their supporters.
The Day of Silence has been held each year in April since 1996. The 2012 Day of Silence was April 20. The 2010 Day of Silence was held on April 16; in 2011 it was on April 15. The most recent Day of Silence was on April 19, 2013 and the next Day of Silence will be April 18, 2014. Currently, Day of Silence is celebrated on the third Friday of April.

       Want to learn more about how to support LGBT Youth ? :'

News :

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I wish it was last year again ,

When I still had stupid feelings for the kid who shit on my insides . I’ll never forget that summer, walking around in that small Benson neighborhood . I still have that feeling, I want it to be that time again . When things had less meaning . I want to listen to the music you suggested to me full volume . On the way to my home from your house . Now that you have been gone for so long, and its been forever . All I want to do is see you and have things be the same again. I just want your friendship, I promise that’s all I ask for . Ill be here ….. Ill stay here . You may not, but I never wanted it to be like this . The way it is, you half across town and me over here but needing your attention . Wanting to talk to you so badly and you hardly ever reply . I don’t want it to be like that, and it doesn’t have to be . Please just give me the time of day. I have this feeling about it all still, but I wont say anything . Remember when you would walk me to my car, and you would hug me goodbye . Remember when we used to sit in your bed close to each other for a long time then go outside in the backyard . Share the sunset, talk about ourselves, and our feelings. It was all flirtatious vibe to me but I guess I’m just wrong . I had this feeling inside of me and I   never want it to build inside me again because I just get hurt . I felt that I was  getting far, I felt …. .we were getting far . Back when I was obsessed with the moldy peaches and I hade a distasteful taste for screamo . There Is  a lot of things I would change . I loved you then , and yes I probably always will . I wish it would go away but it probably wont ….. ow well ……… I probably always will