Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday Bum Day

So I was asleep almost all day and i really didnt do anything at All . SO i dont know really what to tell you guys cause ...... my llife isnt even interesting sometimes . I literally woke up when my mom got home around 12:00 and had lunch . Then my mother and my brother went to my brothers soccer game around 1 something ad i just stayed around and was on tumblr and instagram for the longest time . I toyed around with my jewelry stuff but i didt get into it . I wanted to get tea around 4:10 so i decided to go to the gas station . Funny story, I dont know anyway to say this but....... I got mugged . I got punched in the face twice and someone tried to take my money but luckily i didnt have my wallet on me but he did take my cigerettes . Which i didnt mind ..... I would rather it be  that than my wallet ....... He hit , dug in my pocket and just ran . It was just the most uncombfertable thing in the world . I deffinatly consider my self a pasafist and i dont believe in voilence to settle any kind of dispute. So i kind of just let it happen but not cause i did squirm at one point. I at that point decided i didnt want tea anymore cause like, OW , my face hurts. I just retreated back home ad noticed that my moms car was parked but no one was home .... I was gone for nmore than 20 mins and she was gone. Just outtie , she left .... I called her. I called her 12 times and left 2 voicemails and she did not respond or call me . I was very upset i then sent her very angry text messages and we got into a fight . I could care less though like i have a really bad habit of thinking that everything i say is right so you couldnt even fight with me. Im to difficult sometimes , then i couldnt sleep ..... and i stayed up than crashed at 2:00 ......... what am i .

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